Sunday, June 27, 2010

What Happens To The Cervix Before Your Period? Music Meme

I have been nominated in this meme by [info] nuka_winch , I kind of laugh I've had enough of doing it I swear.

1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. For each question, press "Next."
3. Please enter the name of the song no matter how silly it sounds.
4. You can add any comments in brackets after the song.
5. Nominate 5 other people.

* How would you describe yourself? : Elevation (me mola! Begin too well XD)

* What do you like in a person? : Two plus two (ehmm do not know what this song really means in response XD)
CHTMNSAs of the person you like? : It was worth (ME BIRTH OF LAUGHTER!)

* What is the story of your life? : All right now (well. ..)

* What do you grow up? : How to save a life (can see already that my life will always sucks XD)

* What do you think when you see the person you like? : I Do not Like Mondays (depending how you look ...)

* What will dance at your wedding? : It's my life (this should be in another question, but I like to cool all)

* What will play at your funeral? : Cachito (the lyrics of the song says something else eh XDD)

* What is your hobby? : In the mouth the fish lives (something will have to do, I guess ...)

* What is your greatest fear?: Let me atscope of life (which I'm bucking peliculera)

* What is your biggest secret? : Knockin 'on heaven's door (if we go, I have contact with Castiel XDD)

* What do you think of your friends?: I have two girlfriends beautiful (the title of a pasodoble carnival, and well, stick a bit XDDD)

* What do you think of this test? : Since I wake up (took all day thinking only of this test it seems, FINALLY GOT IT! Jajajjajaja)



[info] _marion_


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