Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Prince Of Persia Registration clay birds

I have little time ... I'm high and I should be sleeping ... yesterday did the same drug effect today spend half an hour and half hours and nothing, I feel stupid but I'm thoughtful, active.
Of course, half the things that come to mind me forget ...

needed to sleep, wear two days sleeping late and tired last night, at 2 I took half Dalparan (zolpidem), a sedative-hypnotic benzodiazepines, which means that you get fondled then but has no side effects benzodiazepines (diazepam, for example). Zaleplon always ask (do not know the brand name), takes effect at 1h and 3h has been completely eliminated, suitable for jet laj and specific problems of insomnia due to difficulty in the beginning of sleepno.

The zolpidem is a bit slower (maximum concentration at 2-3h, and takes other 2-3h eliminated, is older and is more proven, that's the one I have at home.

about what was going to write ? ...

think he would try to prepare freckles could, if ever you like, read this crap I write from time to time.
embodied thoughts are not prepared, it is a relief and many of the ideas in here went through my head half a second while others that were wrote long time within me.
is why we must be careful not to misinterpret ... uh I get sleep.

The drug that's cool, you feel that eyes are heavy and when you try to look like afilm frame by frame. but do not trip but difficult to coordinate. I decided that I will try some of the drugs that are going to take my patients to better understand the effects, not all but some anxiolytic and that the immediate effect.

That you gave the "key" to my interior (f) mean that your opinion mattered less to me, he was not afraid to misunderstand what you are here or annoy you, in that sense it was out of my heart, separated you, take a chance to break the rope, if you can.

The reason why today I give you the key is different, too soon, I know it is early for many things, among them to think that you no longer attract but ultimately I believe helps me separate me anda little silly to keep waiting.
It seems clear now, with the lucidity of drugs, that your desire is fading because, among other things, I've taken a step that you hate, and make things clear, blur the game was finished and the game beneath it is so I guess I've lost much of my attraction, besides the small incidents of these weeks that clearly does not seem very balanced, I have not stopped to think just in case but I've done something stupid not just you.

The things people come often unsuitable moments, I lay awake in one of them and got another bad yours. I imagine with roses and arcadietes, married and happy. not thank me for import by important (yes, that happens) but if your relationship has not been weakened knowing me, probably will not do it in a few years. jijiji: P

I did not ask how you are with arcaitz, not because I thought that you are wrong, sometimes I thought, especially I did not because I was afraid to tell me a truth that hurt me, or do not tell me the truth.
I'm losing hope of finding them again later, so I say, because I see that you compenetráis very well, besides that I'm going to change and you too, we find more times but at least I get off your wits ... and mine if I leave too.

mierda, se me ha vuelto a ir el sueño GR a que me tomo otra mitad!

These days I walk among sad, desconcertado, angry and hopeless.
my friend diego, which I will discuss in another post, it seems that far from me again, I know nothing of him since he was called back on 4 September, after consideration. Do not call me, and do not know why.

this morning thinking about my friends, my ex, my relationships, I realized that my ... attachment system is wrong, for some reason I cling fast to some people and can take years to forget them. People who have hurt me or that I have done nothing, but forgive is to forget, still there, occupying a small space in my head a Tuesday night before sleeping, any sentence, an intimate moment ...
and I in them not because they did not do me sI'm encounter someone interesting, someone not only willing to receive, which gives, I can avoided.
Or someone who treats me well, with affection, I really question: how are you? I embrace? Give me a kiss ...

This society is sick of individuality, quickly, reserve.
I do not like you now, when I met you I saw you, saw your interior like the rest of the people who look, but now that complicated you'll no longer look me in the eyes, fleeting glances between the lights dim, between groups of people, by far. So I can not know how you feel, but it seems you have plenty of practice in this more than I look in the eye.

'll be so kind as me? a couple things you share with me? stay with me and youNo house, or I'd come for a weekend trip? you and I would do things alone? I do not know if that's not what you do with arka, but now you do not, do it with any partner ...
you seem to me complex, your complex attracts me but I know some of the answers that I would like. I was also anxious for them, now I'm settling for the fleeting glances.
Sometimes it almost seems to me you're scared or you feel uncomfortable with me and I do not know if it's because you do not feel or because you feel much, the facts say that the first thing, my heart and certainly the second time so we will give responses.

drug Shit! does not work, why I fell yesterday and today stand? will be the hour and a half nap this afternoon?

the lastmo would like to be in anyone's life is a hindrance, I like that people close to me they are willing to see me as I to them.

freckles goodnight hopefully take you well know, and knowing how to see what is in these posts (where you go), and know you realize you're not the center of my life, but have plenty of time to think and has had many internal conflicts with you. This is just a little of my life, late in the day and early in the morning normally. See if I sleep
¬ ¬


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